Here is the tip to Formatting Float numbers and strings in C#.NET and SQL, Its useful those who are all handling numbers
double Doublevalue = 1234.5667;
Response.Write("Sandard Format :" + Doublevalue);
Response.Write("Currency Format :" + Doublevalue.ToString("C"));
Response.Write("ExponentialFormat :" + Doublevalue.ToString("E") );
Response.Write("Fixed point Format :" + Doublevalue.ToString("F3"));
Response.Write("Number Format to 2 Decimal places :" + Doublevalue.ToString("N2") );
Response.Write("Number Format to 3 Decimal places :" + Doublevalue.ToString("N3") );
Response.Write("General Format :" + Doublevalue.ToString("G") );
Response.Write("Percentage Format :" + Doublevalue.ToString("P1") );
When you bind data use the following in aspx page.
# Eval("AMOUNT","{0:F2}")
to know more on numbers and string formats,
Use the ROUND function,
SELECT ROUND(123.4545, 2) Result ------> 123.4500
SELECT ROUND(123.45, -2) Result -------> 100.00
SELECT ROUND(150.75, 0) Result --------> 151.00
SELECT ROUND(150.75, 0, 1) Result --------> 150.00
ROUND(748.58, -4) Result ------> 0
ROUND(748.58, -1) Result -------> 750.00
ROUND(748.58, -2) Result --------> 700.00
ROUND(748.58, -3) Result ---------> 1000.00
SELECT ROUND(123.9994, 3), ROUND(123.9995, 3) Result ----> 123.9990 124.0000
You can use also zero placeholders, e.g.
ReplyDeletedouble num = 123.456;
num.ToString("{0.00}"); // output is "123.46"
It's better to use static method String.Format instead of using double.ToString():
String.Format("number with two decimal places: {0:0.00}", num);
See this article for more information how to use String.Format for float numbers in C#.